December 8, 2023

December 8, 2023

Author: Pastor David Miner
December 08, 2023

Reading: 2 Samuel 13              Optional Reading: 2 Samuel 14 - 16
“In the course of time, Amnon, son of David fell in love with Tamar, the beautiful sister of Absalom son of David. (2 Samuel 13:1 NIV)
Have you ever wanted something that was forbidden? When we lived in Southern California, Marjorie and the kids would go to her grandfather’s home to visit. Throughout his house he had Dresden Porcelain, a German company that produced decorative and luxury porcelain. The many pieces in his home were very valuable, and even though the kids were told not to play with them, Michael was caught playing with a $10,000 porcelain figure.
Forbidden things can take many forms. In David’s kingdom, he had a son Amnon who wanted to marry his half-sister, Tamar. Normally, marrying someone in your own family was forbidden. But Amnon figured out a way to get what he wanted by force. It was a horrible sin.
King David did nothing about it. But another son, Absalom, who was Tamar’s brother, conspired to kill Amnon. It seemed like disaster after disaster happened to David’s family during that time.
Why did such bad things happen? Because David himself had sinned with Bathsheba. God judged David and warned him that there would be consequences for his disobedience.
Sin always has consequences. When we sin, God responds by disciplining us to help guide us on to the proper path of obedience. When you are about to commit a sin, think about it. It could lead to disaster.
Jesus, keep me from sin. Help me to be an obedient child. Amen.


Redeemer Lutheran Church
5120 Harrison Road | Fredericksburg, VA 22408
