

A person's journey of faith continues throughout their entire lives. Redeemer strives to offer continued spiritual, educational, personal, and relational growth opportunities for adults of all ages.

Bible Study

Week Day Bible studies are a wonderful opportunity

Wednesdays 10:30 AM: Pastor lead Bible Study in the fellowship hall.
Mondays 7:00 PM:
Walk through the Bible study in the fellowship hall.
1st and 3rd Tuesdays 10:30 AM:
Bible Study led by Linda Gagion in the fellowship hall.

Sunday School

Sunday School is not just for the kids! We offer a variety of Sunday School options for adults from 9:45 to 10:45 on Sunday mornings. Some of these classes continue throughout the summer while some take a break.

Large Group Adult Class: Pastor-led class that offers practical, historic, or book of the Bible studies throughout the academic year.
Women's Class: Led by Jennifer Koehler and Marjorie Miner on a variety of topics in the upstairs reference library.
Special Topics Class: Led by John Karpiscak on unique and relevant theological topics in upstairs end of hallway classroom.
Parents & Tots Class: Led by Amy Hinz on Christian parenting in the double classroom. Bring your little ones that are too young for the preschool Sunday school class!

Small Groups

Whether you are introverted or extroverted, you were made by your Creator to be a relational person. You need connections where you can help and be helped, serve and be served, love and be loved. Small Groups are a way to experience that connection with others and deepen your spiritual life at the same time. Group information is listed below. Please contact Dave Allen or email for more information.

Acts 2

Leaders: Anita and Mike Diederen 
Time: Every other Thursday PM


Leaders: Marian & Stan Dawgert 
Time: Every other Friday 7 PM

Harvesters Women

Leader: Dee Allen 
Time: 2nd and 4th Thursdays 10 AM

Koathites Men

Leader: Ken Elam 
Time: 1st Friday 6:30 PM

Theology on Tap Men

Leader: Perry Darley 
Time: 3rd Tuesday 6:30 PM

New Beginnings

Leader: Dave Allen 
Time: 1st and 3rd Monday 7 PM




Redeemer Lutheran Church
5120 Harrison Road | Fredericksburg, VA 22408
