Redeemer is blessed to be able to serve Middle and High Schoolers at one of the most pivotal and exciting times of their lives. We believe that our youth are a vital part of our church life together. With that in mind, Redeemer seeks to engage and equip young people in the teaching of Jesus as related to their own lives and the world around them. Age specific youth groups allow them a place to gather, learn, and serve with joy together.
If you have a youth that you would like to get connected at Redeemer or if you would like more information, please contact our office at info@redeemerfxbg.org or 540-898-4748.
ROMANS 9th - 12th Grade Youth Group
This youth group meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the school year from 4 to 7 pm in the youth room. They have Bible Study time together, play fun games, have fellowship with one another, serve others in various ways, and occasionally have offsite activities.
KINGS 6th - 8th Grade Youth Group
This youth group meets on the first Saturday of every school year month from 2 to 4 pm in the youth room. They have Bible Study time together, play fun games, have fellowship with one another, serve others in various ways, and occasionally have offsite activities.
Confirmation is a program designed to teach students the basic faith pillars of Christianity and Lutheranism. It ends with a public confirmation of the faith that was claimed for them at their baptism. This is a program that takes commitment but is very rewarding and meaningful for a young person's faith journey as they grow into a young adult. Parents are allowed to begin their child's confirmation experience in 6th grade but may choose to wait and enroll them until their child is ready in the following years. We currently meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 4 to 7 PM in the fellowship hall with a dinner included.
Sunday School
We offer Sunday School classes for Middle and High school August through May from 9:45 to 10:45. Students are given the opportunity to dive deeper into theological topics that have important implications at these times in their lives. Middle school meets in the double classroom downstairs and High school meets in the youth room.
Every year, both our High School and Middle School youth groups attend a Quake weekend retreat. This is a great opportunity for students to encounter God in a new way while also spending meaningful time with new and old friends. Youth will spend the weekend worshiping, hearing meaningful speakers, and having a blast! We're looking forward to Quake 2024: Breathe
National Youth Gathering
Every three summers, the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod hosts a gathering for High Schoolers that is attended by thousands of young people from all around the world. We're looking forward to the 2025 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans!