July 14, 2023

July 14, 2023

Author: Pastor David Miner
July 14, 2023

Reading: Joshua 17 (Optional Reading: Joshua 18 - 20)

"16people of Joseph replied, “The hill country is not enough for us, and all the Canaanites who live in the plain have chariots fitted with iron, both those in Beth Shan and its settlements and those in the Valley of Jezreel.” (Joshua 17:16 NIV)

Israel stood up against tough odds: iron chariots; towering cities; the sons of Anak were giants (Goliath, descended from these giants, and he was over nine feet tall). What does a leader do when his people face problems? He encourages them.
Leaders say different things: “We can do it;” “They won’t win;” “We have the brains and the brawn, so let’s go;” “God is with us. God is on our side;” “God won’t let us fail.” Bottomline, it comes down to one simple tenet, all of us need encouragement. At your job, in your home, at school, and in our families. We can’t survive without people around us who can encourage us.
What if you decided today to be an encourager? What might you say to your friends, your family, the guys on the soccer or baseball team, to the worshipper sitting next to you in church?

Lord, today make mean encourager to the people I meet. Amen.


Redeemer Lutheran Church
5120 Harrison Road | Fredericksburg, VA 22408
